The Official Website Of The

Yonkers Republican City Committee

The Official Website Of The

Yonkers Republican City Committee

Yonkers GOP Candidates 2024

Levitt Flisser

Dr. Miriam Levitt Flisser

For United States Congress District 16

tricia lindsay

Tricia Lindsay

For New York State Senate District 37

Khris Kerr

For New York State Senate District 35


John Isaac

For New York State Assembly District 90

Alessandro Crocco

For New York State Assembly District 92

Rich Fava-Pastilha

For Westchester County Court Judge

John sarcone

For Westchester County District Attorney

Join our party

leading our community

Register to vote
Learn how to register to vote and find the deadlines for voter registration in NYS.



Run for office

We are looking for passionate, civic-minded individuals looking to run.


District Leader knocking on door
Become a district leader
Learn about what a District Leader does how you can become one in the future.



what we do

we serve as a network for civic engagement

Select Candidates

We only endorse candidates of high quality character, who share in our conservative values, and will stand up for constituents.

Mobilize Voters

We engage with voters through door knocking, direct mail, and media campaigns to ensure they are informed at the polls.

Facilitate Policy

Through legislation, we elect officials that will advocate for the needs of constituents while aligning with Party values.

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A Plan For a Better Yonkers

Relieve Taxpayer Burden

Cut the Sale's Tax, hold the line on property taxes, and elect state representatives who will cut New York State's Income Tax.

Citizens Over Criminals

Repeal disastrous Bail Reform, rescind the Raise the Age bill, and fund our Yonkers Police Department and other emergency services.

Principle over Politics

Focus on local issues, not national issues, stand up for Republican convictions, restore ethics in our State Government, and No More Party Switches*

Save Our Neighborhoods

Stop Albany from taking over home rule zoning, empower local neighborhoods to decide whether or not they want ADU or TDO units, and quality of life.

Support our Movement

Fundraising is a vital part of the political process.

Connect with us

Get in touch with the Yonkers GOP